Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know about Sosius? Here's the low down.


How much does the service cost?

Basic usage of Sosius is free.

What is included?

Basic usage of Sosius includes 250 MB of storage and 500 MB Bandwidth/month.

250 MB of storage means that you can store a combined total of 250 MB of uploaded files and stored data in your Sosius space. 250 MB Bandwidth/month means that the files in your space can be downloaded from the site until a maximum of 250 MB is reached. Your bandwidth allowance is reset on the monthly anniversary of your account creation date.

If you require more storage space or additional bandwidth, you can upgrade your account. To upgrade your account click on the Subscription button under your My Account section.

Will it always be free?

Yes, basic usage of the service will always be free.

Is there a trial period?

No, there is no trial limit on your account.

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Your account

Can I buy more storage or bandwidth?

If you require more storage space or additional bandwidth, you can upgrade your account.

To upgrade your account click on the Subscription button under your My Account section.

How can I delete my account?

Log into your account and make a support request by clicking here. An administrator will delete your account and email you when it has been removed.

What support do you offer?

Sosius offers free support via the inbuilt help system. Response times are generally within a 24hr time frame. Customers who have subscribed to one of our upgraded plans receive priority support.

To request support, please click here.

To browse through the help system, please click here.

Phone support can be purchased by upgrading your account, click on the Subscription button under your My Account section and then click on the Upgrade account button.

Training and Consultancy services can be arranged if required, please email .

Is it safe to put my private data online?

Yes, Sosius takes security seriously. Please see the Security section of the FAQs for further details.

What's your privacy policy?

Sosius takes your privacy very seriously and we work hard to earn and keep your trust. Click here to view the Privacy Policy.

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What is email publishing?

Certain item types in Sosius (such as folders, blogs, calendars, and contacts databases) support email publishing.

The contents of an email sent to the configured address are automatically posted to the item on the site.

This saves you having to double-up on work you have completed offline - that work can be published onto Sosius by simply sending an email.

For instructions on setting up Email publishing, please see this section of the Getting Started Guide.

Is there a limit to the amount of users I can invite?

No, you can invite as many users as you want into Sosius.

Can I co-brand Sosius?

Yes, custom css style sheets can be used to co-brand Sosius, for further details please email .

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How secure is Sosius?

There are two levels of security on Sosius: Physical and Virtual.

Physical: Means the how the data is stored, accessed and delivered to you.

Your data is stored in a secure database that is only accessible by the servers in the Sosius web server farm. Passwords are encrypted and not stored in plain text. If you've forgotten your password, we cannot tell you what it is, you must reset it. The Sosius web server farm is hosted in a secure dedicated server hosting environment.

The site supports SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) which encrypts traffic between your computer and the web site. Your login details are always submitted to the site using SSL, so your login name and password are never sent in clear text. However, if you wish to encrypt all traffic using SSL (not just your username and password), you need to upgrade your account to use this feature. To upgrade your account click on the Subscription button under your My Account section.

Virtual: Means who has access to your data via the web site.

You can assign permissions (edit, delete, create and view) to individual sosius members, sosius groups or the Public (anyone) for all of your items on the site. How you manage these permissions is up to you, for further details see the help for permissions. Every action and every page checks the permissions of the logged in user to ensure that only users with the correct permissions are granted access.

Are files that are downloaded/uploaded to Sosius encrypted during transit?

By default, no. However if you upgrade your account to support SSL, then the contents of the file will be encrypted.

To upgrade your account click on the Subscription button under your My Account section.

Are files stored on Sosius encrypted?

Although the files are stored in a secure location, they are currently not encrypted.

This feature will be implemented in the near future.

Is my data backed up?

Yes, your data is backed up on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. The data is stored in a secure location within the Sosius server farm.

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We take accessibility seriously and have adopted a number of practices to ensure that the site is as accessible as possible to all users. If you have any concerns regarding accessibility please contact us through the feedback form.


The HTML used on the site strives to be as clean as possible. We attempt to make all of our pages validate as XHTML and to use only semantic HTML and class names where possible. This means that it is possible to view a page with no stylesheet. Users who prefer to use their own stylesheet should be able to apply it to our site without any difficulty.

Content Ordering

The most important content appears first in the document, making it easier for users with screen readers, or those using the keyboard, to find the content they want more easily. The main content of the site (headings, body text) appears before the navigation which appears on the left hand side of the page.


We have used fonts that maximise legibility. Verdana, the default font face specified for text, has a large x-height making it legible at smaller sizes.

All fonts have been specified using relative units, making it possible to resize the text in any browser, including Internet Explorer. This should be done relatively easily either via your mouse, keyboard shortcuts or the menu system in your browser.

The default font colours have been designed for maximum contrast and clarity for the main content areas of the page. Some text, such as that in the footer, is less important and has a lower contrast.

Alternative Text

Images have alternative text applied to them where helpful.


The site must use a CAPTCHA (a computer generated image) to stop robots (automated scripts) from creating accounts. We understand that a text based CAPTCHA is inaccessible to visual impaired users and so have also provided a sound recording of the image shown in the text. Users are able to play the sound file if they find the text encoded in the image impossible to decipher.

Progressive enhancement

All pages and forms on the site will work, even if JavaScript is turned off. We adopt the principles of progressive enhancement where a more advanced user interface is shown to users with a browser that can support the features, yet we still provide a usable interface to those who have the most basic of browsers.

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